Earth Science: Oxygen Cycle

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Earth Science: Oxygen Cycle.

1. Around how much of the human body is composed of oxygen?
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 40%
d. 65%
e. 90%

2. What other element cycle is the oxygen cycle most interconnected with?
a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Water cycle
c. Carbon cycle
d. Food chain
e. Nutrient cycle

3. Which of the following processes produces oxygen in the oxygen cycle?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Sunlight
e. Combustion

4. Which of the following processes uses oxygen through the burning of fuels like wood and coal?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Sunlight
e. Combustion

5. Which of the following processes uses oxygen through the matter of dead plants and animals?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Sunlight
e. Combustion

6. Which of the following processes uses oxygen when things rust?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Sunlight
e. Combustion

7. Which of the following processes uses oxygen through the breathing of animals?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Sunlight
e. Combustion

8. In which of the following processes do plants produce oxygen from carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight?
a. Respiration
b. Decomposing
c. Oxidation
d. Photosynthesis
e. Combustion

9. True or False: Unlike land animals, fish breath hydrogen and not oxygen.

10. What tiny plants live near the surface of the ocean and produce lots of oxygen?
a. Seaweed
b. Coral
c. Rainforests
d. Cyclothones
e. Phytoplankton

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Earth Science: Oxygen Cycle page at

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