Biology: Nutrition

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Biology: Nutrition.

1. True or False: Vitamins and Minerals are essential for growing tall and strong.

2. How many main food groups are there?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. 8

3. Milk, cheese, and yogurt fall under which of the following food groups?
a. Grains
b. Fruits
c. Protein
d. Dairy
e. Vegetables

4. Which of the following is classified as a vegetable?
a. Nuts
b. Berries
c. Carrots
d. Grapes
e. Rice

5. Eggs, nuts, and fish fall under which of the following food groups?
a. Grains
b. Fruits
c. Protein
d. Dairy
e. Vegetables

6. Which of the following foods is classified as a grain?
a. Rice
b. Pasta
c. Cereal
d. Bread
e. All of the Above

7. Which two main food groups are slightly larger than the rest on the picture of the plate?
a. Vegetables and Protein
b. Fruits and Vegetables
c. Fruits and Protein
d. Vegetables and grains
e. Grains and Protein

8. True or False: The USDA recommends drinking sugary drinks instead of water to increase your overall energy level.

9. Calories are best described as a measure of the:
a. Mass of the food
b. Volume of the food
c. Vitamins stored in the food
d. Minerals stored in the food
e. Energy stored in the food

10. What is the best way to lose weight?
a. Avoid all fat and sugar as much as possible
b. Eat healthy and exercise
c. Go on a crazy diet
d. Just eat smaller portions of what you already eat
e. Eat whatever you want and work it off

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Biology: Nutrition page at

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