Physics: Mars

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Mars.

1. Mars is the ______ planet from the Sun.
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 4th
d. 6th
e. 8th

2. What type of planet is Mars?
a. Dwarf planet
b. Gas giant planet
c. Terrestrial planet
d. Ice giant planet
e. All of the above

3. Which of the following best describes the surface of Mars?
a. Cloudy and hot with lots of volcanoes
b. Cold, rocky, and covered in red dust
c. A thick layer of hydrogen gas
d. Barren and rocky with lots of craters
e. Mostly water surface with some areas of dry land

4. Around how big is Mars' mass when compared to the mass of the Earth?
a. 5.5% of the Earth's mass
b. 11% of the Earth's mass
c. 82% of the Earth's mass
d. 95 times the Earth's mass
e. 318 times the Earth's mass

5. Around how long is a day on Mars?
a. 9.8 hours
b. 10.7 hours
c. 24.6 hours
d. 88 Earth days
e. 243 Earth days

6. What mountain on Mars is considered the highest mountain in the Solar System?
a. Ares Mons
b. Mount Mars
c. Red Mountain
d. Mount Zeus
e. Olympus Mons

7. True or False: Some scientists believe that the surface of Mars was once covered with water.

8. Mars was named after what Roman god or goddess?
a. God of war
b. Roman messenger to the gods
c. Goddess of love
d. God of agriculture
e. God of the sky

9. What type of storms are common on the surface of Mars?
a. Thunderstorms
b. Rain showers
c. Snow storms
d. Dust storms
e. There are no storms on Mars

10. Mars is the ______ planet in the Solar System.
a. Smallest
b. Second smallest
c. Sixth Largest
d. Second largest
e. Largest

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Mars page at

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