Biology: Flowering Plants

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Biology: Flowering Plants.

1. What is the scientific name for flowering plants?
a. Herbivores
b. Gymnosperms
c. Anthers
d. Angiosperms
e. Filaments

2. In what cycle do flowering plants begin their life?
a. Seed
b. Germination
c. Sprout
d. Mature plant
e. Flowering

3. In which stage of the cycle of a flowering plant does the plant first appear above the soil?
a. Seed
b. Germination
c. Sprout
d. Mature plant
e. Flowering

4. In which stage of the cycle of a flowering plant does the plant produce seeds through pollination?
a. Seed
b. Germination
c. Sprout
d. Mature plant
e. Flowering

5. What structure of the flower receives pollen?
a. Sepal
b. Petal
c. Stamen
d. Stigma
e. Carpel

6. What structure of the flower is a brightly colored leaf designed to attract insects and birds for pollination?
a. Sepal
b. Petal
c. Stamen
d. Stigma
e. Carpel

7. What structure of the flower produces pollen?
a. Sepal
b. Petal
c. Stamen
d. Stigma
e. Carpel

8. What structure of the flower contains ovules which are potential new seeds?
a. Sepal
b. Petal
c. Stamen
d. Stigma
e. Carpel

9. What are the two main parts of the stamen?
a. Filament and Anther
b. Sepal and petal
c. Stigma and Carpel
d. Seed and ovule
e. Pollen and fruit

10. How do flowering plants disperse their seeds?
a. They are light and float in the wind
b. By producing fruit
c. By floating on the water of streams and rivers
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Biology: Flowering Plants page at

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