Physics: Constellations

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Constellations.

1. What is a constellation?
a. A group of stars from the same galaxy
b. A group of stars that are physically close to each other
c. A group of visible stars that make a pattern when viewed from Earth
d. All of the above
e. None of the Above

2. How many constellations are there?
a. 12
b. 22
c. 44
d. 88
e. 120

3. What constellation was named after a flying horse?
a. Orion
b. Ursa Minor
c. Ursa Major
d. Draco
e. Pegasus

4. What constellation has the Little Dipper as part of its pattern?
a. Orion
b. Ursa Minor
c. Ursa Major
d. Draco
e. Pegasus

5. What constellation was named after a hunter from Greek mythology?
a. Orion
b. Ursa Minor
c. Ursa Major
d. Draco
e. Pegasus

6. What constellation has the Big Dipper as part of its pattern?
a. Orion
b. Ursa Minor
c. Ursa Major
d. Draco
e. Pegasus

7. True or False: All the constellations are visible from anywhere on Earth throughout the year.

8. What group of constellations are used in astrology?
a. Ursa constellations
b. Predictive constellations
c. Northern constellations
d. Zodiac constellations
e. Ancient constellations

9. How are constellations useful?
a. To help locate stars
b. To keep track of the calendar
c. To navigate
d. To know when to plant crops
e. All of the above

10. What is the largest constellation by area in the sky?
a. Hydra
b. Cancer
c. Orion
d. Leo
e. Ursa Major

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Constellations page at

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