Physics: Acceleration

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Physics: Acceleration.

1. Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's _______.
a. Speed
b. Force
c. Velocity
d. Momentum
e. Mass

2. What is the standard unit of measurement for acceleration?
a. Meters
b. Meters per second
c. Seconds per meter
d. Meters per second squared
e. Meters per second cubed

3. Acceleration is a vector measurement because it has both a magnitude and a ________.
a. Time
b. Distance
c. Speed
d. Temperature
e. Direction

4. According to Newton's Second Law, mass times acceleration equals _______.
a. Weight
b. Force
c. Distance
d. Time
e. Velocity

5. Which of the following formulas is used to find acceleration?
a. a = F/m
b. a = m/F
c. a = Fm
d. a = mv
e. a = F/v

6. An object with constant acceleration will have an increasing _______.
a. Mass
b. Weight
c. Direction
d. Velocity
e. Atomic weight

7. True or False: Assuming no air friction, an object in freefall would have constant acceleration.

8. If the velocity of an object changed from 30 m/s to 60 m/s over a period of 10 seconds, what would the average acceleration be?
a. 1 meters per second squared
b. 3 meters per second squared
c. 6 meters per second squared
d. 30 meters per second squared
e. 33 meters per second squared

9. If the velocity of an object changed from 100 m/s to 700 m/s over a period of 1 minute, what would the average acceleration be?
a. 1 meters per second squared
b. 6 meters per second squared
c. 10 meters per second squared
d. 60 meters per second squared
e. 600 meters per second squared

10. What is another term used for negative acceleration?
a. Velocity
b. Speed
c. Direction
d. Force
e. Deceleration

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Physics: Acceleration page at

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