US Government - Third Amendment

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
US Government - Third Amendment.

1. What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Magna Carta
c. Articles of Confederation
d. Bill of Rights
e. The Big Ten

2. What right does the Third Amendment protect?
a. Prevents the army from taking over private property
b. Freedom of speech
c. The right to bear arms
d. Freedom of the press
e. Freedom of religion

3. What right has the Third Amendment sometimes been used to protect in modern times?
a. Freedom of religion
b. Right to a trial by jury
c. The right to bear arms
d. Freedom of the press
e. Right to Privacy

4. What act did the British pass that said that British soldiers could stay in colonists homes?
a. Stamp Act
b. Quartering Act
c. Boston Port Act
d. Townshend Acts
e. Currency Act

5. What famous patriot said that the quartering of soldiers was one of the main reasons to become independent of Britain?
a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Patrick Henry
d. Samuel Adams
e. Thomas Jefferson

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the US Government - Third Amendment page at /history/us_government/third_amendment.php.

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