Steam Engine

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Steam Engine.

1. What new source of power helped to drive the Industrial Revolution?
a. Water
b. Steam
c. Wind
d. Horse
e. Nuclear

2. What was the drawback of using a river as power for a factory?
a. Unreliable
b. The factory had to be near a river
c. Rivers could freeze
d. Rivers could dry up
e. All of the above

3. What do steam engines boil to create steam for power?
a. Water
b. Gasoline
c. Oil
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

4. What was an advantage of steam power?
a. It was free
b. Factories could be located anywhere
c. It used the wind
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

5. True or False: Steam power was used in a number of different applications?

6. What term did James Watt use to describe how much power a steam engine could produce?
a. Watt
b. Ampere
c. Horsepower
d. Manpower
e. Joule

7. Who invented one of the first useful steam engines in 1712?
a. Thomas Edison
b. Eli Whitney
c. Albert Einstein
d. Thomas Newcomen
e. William Steam

8. Which of the following was a practical use for steam engines?
a. Factories
b. Mines
c. Locomotives
d. Steamboats
e. All of the above

9. Who developed the first commercially successful steamboat operation?
a. James Hargreaves
b. Robert Fulton
c. Thomas Savery
d. James Watt
e. Thomas Newcomen

10. True or False: Steam power is used today in both electricity and nuclear power plants.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Steam Engine page at /history/us_1800s/steam_engine_industrial_revolution.php.

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