First Nations - Cree Tribe

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
First Nations - Cree Tribe.

1. In what country did the majority of the Cree Nation live?
a. United States
b. Mexico
c. Russia
d. Canada
e. Cuba

2. What did the early Cree trade with the British and French for goods like horses and clothing?
a. Baskets
b. Rugs
c. Jewelry
d. Bison meat
e. Furs

3. In what type of homes did the Plains Cree live?
a. Teepees
b. Wigwams
c. Hogans
d. Lodges
e. Pueblos

4. In what type of homes did the Woodland Cree live?
a. Teepees
b. Wigwams
c. Hogans
d. Lodges
e. Pueblos

5. True or False: Before the Europeans arrived, the Cree had a complex formal government with a strict set of laws.

6. What caused the Cree to lose much of their land in the James Bay area?
a. Disease
b. New tribes moved in
c. Bad weather
d. The bison herds left the region
e. Hydroelectric dams

7. What Cree cultural group lived in the Northern Great Plains of Western Canada?
a. Desert Cree
b. Plains Cree
c. Woodland Cree
d. Mountain Cree
e. Coastal Cree

8. True or False: The traditional Cree made their clothes from cotton, linen, and silk.

9. What Cree cultural group lived in the forested lands of central and eastern Canada?
a. Desert Cree
b. Plains Cree
c. Woodland Cree
d. Mountain Cree
e. Coastal Cree

10. The Plains Cree began farming when the herds of what animal were overhunted?
a. Elk
b. Deer
c. Moose
d. Bison
e. Horses

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the First Nations - Cree Tribe page at /history/native_americans/cree_tribe.php.

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