Maya Civilization - Gods and Mythology

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Maya Civilization - Gods and Mythology.

1. Which Maya god was the god of storms and caused a great flood when the Maya angered the gods?
a. Itzamna
b. Kukulcan
c. Bolon Tzacab
d. Chaac

2. Which Maya god was a powerful snake god who was the main god of the Itza people?
a. Itzamna
b. Kukulcan
c. Bolon Tzacab
d. Chaac

3. Which Maya god was the god of rain and lighting who wielded a lighting axe?
a. Itzamna
b. Kukulcan
c. Bolon Tzacab
d. Chaac

4. Which Maya god was the god of fire who created the Earth?
a. Itzamna
b. Kukulcan
c. Bolon Tzacab
d. Chaac

5. Who served as an intermediary between the people and the gods?
a. Slaves
b. Kings
c. Animals
d. Women
e. Farmers

6. Which of the following was a duty of the Maya priests?
a. To predict the future
b. To work miracles
c. To avert famine, drought, and earthquakes
d. To impersonate the gods
e. All of the above

7. According to the Maya, what people started out the afterlife in heaven?
a. People who did good works
b. Priests
c. The king
d. Women who died in childbirth
e. People who worked hard for the king

8. What large monuments did the Maya build for their gods?
a. Ziggurats
b. Obelisks
c. Pyramids
d. Temples
e. Cathedrals

9. According to Maya mythology, what was man created from?
a. Clay
b. Maize
c. Water
d. Eagle bones
e. Dust

10. What year did the Maya predict that the world would come to an end?
a. 3150 BCE
b. 70 CE
c. 1000 CE
d. 2012 CE
e. 3033 CE

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Maya Civilization - Gods and Mythology page at

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