Inca Empire - Society

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Inca Empire - Society.

1. What was the emperor of the Inca called?
a. Villac Umu
b. Coya
c. Sapa Inca
d. Curacas
e. Ayllu

2. What was special about the 'Inca' social class?
a. They were the priests who spoke to the gods
b. They were nobles descended from the people who founded the city of Cuzco
c. They were the record keepers who kept track of where the king's treasure was hid
d. They watched over the people and made sure they paid their taxes
e. There was nothing special about them as they were the commoners

3. Which of the following was the lowest social class in the Inca Empire?
a. Royal Family
b. Inca-by-privilege
c. Curacas
d. Artisans
e. Farmers

4. Why was the Inca-by-privilege social class created by the Inca emperor?
a. Because he needed more people to work as slaves in the fields
b. Because he needed more priests to talk to the gods and work in the temples
c. Because he needed more tax collectors
d. Because he needed more people he trusted to run the empire
e. Because he was unhappy with the work of the regular Inca people

5. True or False: A person remained in whatever social class they were born into for their entire life.

6. Of the following social classes, which was considered the highest?
a. Tax collectors
b. Record keepers
c. Artisans
d. Farmers
e. Inca

7. Which of the following social classes were leaders of the tribes conquered by the Inca?
a. Curacas
b. Inca-by-privilege
c. Inca
d. Farmers
e. Artisans

8. What was the high priest to the Inca gods called?
a. Curacas
b. Inca
c. Sapa Inca
d. Villac Umu
e. Ayllu

9. What was a group of families that worked together and formed the basic unit of Inca society called?
a. Curacas
b. Inca
c. Sapa Inca
d. Villac Umu
e. Ayllu

10. True or False: Everyone, even high ranking nobles and tribal leaders, had to pay taxes.

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Inca Empire - Society page at

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