Colonial America - Puritans

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Colonial America - Puritans.

1. What religion were the Puritans a part of?
a. Islam
b. Buddhism
c. Christianity
d. Judaism
e. Mormonism

2. Which of the following best describes the Puritan religion?
a. Dutch Christians who wanted to leave the Catholic Church
b. English Christians who wanted to reform the Church of England from within
c. Italian Christians who wanted to reform the Catholic Church
d. English Christians who wanted to leave the Church of England
e. None of the above

3. What made the Separatists different from the Puritans?
a. The Separatists were Catholic
b. The Separatists were Muslim
c. The Separatists were atheists
d. The Separatists wanted to leave the Church of England
e. The Separatists were Mormon

4. Why did the Puritans leave England?
a. They were being persecuted by the Church of England
b. They wanted an adventure
c. They wanted to join the Catholic Church
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

5. Which of the following was characteristic of the Puritan religion?
a. Their churches were simple buildings with few decorations
b. They had simple church services
c. Their church services were centered around the Bible
d. They did not play musical instruments inside the church
e. All of the above

6. What colony did the Puritans first establish in 1630?
a. Jamestown Colony
b. Virginia Colony
c. Massachusetts Bay Colony
d. Pennsylvania colony
e. Plymouth Colony

7. Who was the leader of the first group of Puritan settlers?
a. Roger Williams
b. James Oglethorpe
c. William Penn
d. John Winthrop
e. John Smith

8. What colony did the Puritan settlements of Portsmouth and Providence form in 1644?
a. Jamestown Colony
b. Colony of Rhode Island
c. Massachusetts Bay Colony
d. Colony of Pennsylvania
e. Plymouth Colony

9. What Puritan leader formed the colony of Connecticut?
a. Roger Williams
b. James Oglethorpe
c. William Penn
d. John Winthrop
e. Thomas Hooker

10. What university was founded by the Puritans in 1636?
a. Harvard
b. William and Mary
c. Yale
d. Princeton
e. Dartmouth

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Colonial America - Puritans page at

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