Civil Rights Movement - Suffrage

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Civil Rights Movement - Suffrage.

1. What does suffrage mean?
a. The right to a fair trial
b. The right to own a business
c. The right to vote
d. Freedom of religion
e. All of the above

2. True or False: The United States was the last country in the world to give women the right to vote.

3. In what U.S. territory, which later became a state, were women first given the right to vote?
a. New York
b. Massachusetts
c. California
d. Ohio
e. Wyoming

4. Where was the first women's rights convention held?
a. Seneca Falls, NY
b. Boston, MA
c. New York, NY
d. Richmond, VA
e. Philadelphia, PA

5. What amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteed women the right to vote?
a. 5th
b. 14th
c. 19th
d. 21st
e. None of the above

6. What women's rights leader held a hunger strike in jail?
a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
b. Alice Paul
c. Susan B. Anthony
d. Lucy Stone
e. Henry Blackwell

7. True or False: Women were allowed to vote in the early democracy of Ancient Greece.

8. What U.S. state first passed an amendment giving women the right to vote?
a. Colorado
b. Vermont
c. North Carolina
d. Florida
e. Texas

9. Which of the following women was a leader in the women's right movement?
a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
b. Lucretia Mott
c. Susan B. Anthony
d. Lucy Stone
e. All of the above

10. Who was president when women gained the right to vote?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. George Washington
c. John F. Kennedy
d. Woodrow Wilson
e. Andrew Jackson

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Civil Rights Movement - Suffrage page at /history/civil_rights/womens_suffrage.php.

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