Ancient Rome - Food

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
Ancient Rome - Food.

1. How many meals a day did the Ancient Romans typically eat?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

2. What was the main meal of the day called in Ancient Rome?
a. Lentaculum
b. Prandium
c. Cena
d. Puls
e. Atrium

3. What was the first meal of the day called in Ancient Rome?
a. Lentaculum
b. Prandium
c. Cena
d. Puls
e. Atrium

4. True or False: The Romans liked to dress up their food with sauces including a fermented fish sauce called garum.

5. Which of the following was a delicacy eaten by wealthy Ancient Romans?
a. Roast peacock
b. Flamingo's tongues
c. Stewed snails
d. Dormice dipped in honey
e. All of the above

6. What was 'puls' in Ancient Rome?
a. The first meal of the day
b. A type of dinner party
c. The largest meal of the day
d. A porridge that the poor people ate
e. A late night snack eaten by the rich

7. What hand did wealthy Romans used to eat while reclining on couches?
a. Left hand
b. Right hand
c. Either hand
d. They only used forks

8. What was the main utensil used by the Ancient Romans?
a. Spoon
b. Fork
c. Knife
d. Spatula
e. Wisk

9. What was the main drink of the Ancient Romans?
a. Water
b. Milk
c. Beer
d. Juice
e. Wine

10. What was the 'grain dole' in Ancient Rome?
a. A type of porridge made from grain
b. A large farm that produced grain for Rome
c. Free or cheap grain for the poor
d. A type of grain used to make bread
e. A fancy dinner party for the rich

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the Ancient Rome - Food page at /history/ancient_rome/food_and_drink.php.

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