American Revolution - Sons of Liberty

Test Quiz

Questions on this quiz are based on information from
American Revolution - Sons of Liberty.

1. In what city did the Sons of Liberty likely first form?
a. Baltimore
b. Raleigh
c. Princeton
d. Boston
e. Philadelphia

2. What British Law did the Sons of Liberty first protest?
a. Intolerable Acts
b. Tea Act
c. Stamp Act
d. Townshend Acts
e. Liberty Act

3. True or False: Members of the Sons of Liberty were all wealthy landowners.

4. Where did the Sons of Liberty get their name?
a. From a speech given in British Parliament
b. From a letter written by Ben Franklin
c. From a famous poem
d. It was the name of the tavern where they first met
e. From a famous song

5. What famous event involved the Sons of Liberty dumping tea into the ocean?
a. Gunpowder Incident
b. Baltimore Tea Heist
c. Boston Massacre
d. Harbor Tea Dump
e. Boston Tea Party

6. What patriot is often considered the founding member of the Sons of Liberty?
a. John Adams
b. George Washington
c. Samuel Adams
d. Ben Franklin
e. Thomas Jefferson

7. True or False: By the time the war started, there were members of the Sons of Liberty in all thirteen colonies.

8. What was the motto of the Sons of Liberty?
a. Live free or die
b. No taxation without representation
c. Liberty first
d. Fight for justice
e. Don

9. In what city was a constant battle waged over liberty poles between the British and the Sons of Liberty?
a. Newport
b. Charleston
c. Williamsburg
d. New York
e. Philadelphia

10. Who of the following is not mentioned in the article as a member of the Sons of Liberty?
a. Samuel Adams
b. Paul Revere
c. George Washington
d. Patrick Henry
e. John Hancock

About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the American Revolution - Sons of Liberty page at /history/american_revolution/sons_of_liberty.php.

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